A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hidden deep inside the Himalayas, two Yeti tribes fight for dominance. Their weaponry ranges from snowballs over Yeti breath to UFO freeze-rays and rocket launchers. Join them and conquer the last snowy spots on Earth!


  • Cute yeti snow fights
  • Unusual weapons (snow balls with challenging aim mechanics, huge snow balls to roll over enemies, UFOs with freeze-rays, rocket launchers with target-lock, deadly short-distance yeti breath)
  • Challenging bots
  • Multiplayer (peer-to-peer)
  • 2 team battle maps (so far)

How to play

The game is played in Conquest mode, that is: Each team starts with a certain amount of lives ("tickets") and holding some control points (candy canes). You win by having the opposite team's tickets hit zero before yours. A team loses a ticket every time one of its Yetis dies. Moreover, you can conquer the candy canes as entry points by holding the ground around them.

  • To enter the game, you must click one of your team's candy canes. (You can also swap teams in the upper left corner of the screen.)
  • You move using WASD for walking and Space for jumping.
  • Left mouse button fires snowballs. (Keep the button pressed to preview the trajectory!)
  • Right mouse button emits Yeti breath burps as a short-distance attack.
  • If you run out of snowballs, you can pick new ammunition on the snowfields. Close to your team's candy canes, you will regenerate life energy.
  • On snowfields, keeping E pressed will form a big snowball you can roll around. Rolling will grow the ball. (You can also launch the ball with left mouse button, or destroy it with right mouse button; E also drops / picks up.)
  • If rolled next to candy canes, full-sized big snowballs will turn into UFOs; if they are not full-size yet, they will morph into rocket launchers.
  • E boards the UFO / picks up the launcher! (Or exits / drops.)
  • On a UFO, left mouse button shoots lasers at other UFOs, and right mouse button freeze-rays Yetis below.
  • The rocket launcher is fired with left mouse button. Before firing at UFOs, you should target-lock them by aiming at the UFO and waiting for the lock sound.
  • M toggles between map overview and character camera.
  • Tab enables/disables the killstats / leaderboard overlay.
  • Esc opens/closes the in-game menu.

How to start / enter games

Some advice on using the menu:

  • With start you can host a new server (or start a single-player game). You may pick a name for your player and for your server, the number of bots, and the maximum number of connecting human players. With Start Server/Singleplayer you can finally start the game.
  • With join you can join a running game. (Note that the network code was developed and tested using Unity 3.0 in 2012; odds are that there are glitches with the current build.)


  • Benjamin Bisping (https://mrkeks.net): Design, Programming, Models
  • Tiare Feuchtner: Content Creator, AI Programming
  • Andreas Büscher: Programming
  • Hannes Rammer: Programming


yetitournament-windows.zip 56 MB
Version 0.1.6 Feb 05, 2024
yetitournament-mac.zip 61 MB
Version 0.1.6 Feb 05, 2024
yetitournament-linux.zip 80 MB
Version 0.1.6 Feb 05, 2024

Development log


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(1 edit) (+1)

Incredibly fun team based action! 5/5!

(1 edit)

(though, I'll note that there are some unfortunate issues with snowball collision, and I can't change ticket count)

(1 edit) (+1)

Many thanks! ♥ What kind of issues do you mean about the snowballs? That the thrown snowballs collide with each other?

They tend to collide with trees and terrain when they don't look like they should.


Thanks for the input! Among other things, I’ve decreased snowball colliders a bit in the new version. So now snowballs should not get stuck in trees so quickly.